THE ONLY WAY IS UP: Monitoring and Encouraging Diverse SOGIESC Inclusion in the Humanitarian and DRR Sectors
Discrimination, violence and exclusion is experienced by people with diverse Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities and Expressions, and Sex Characteristics (aka LGBTIQ+ people) before, during and after disasters and conflict. The manifestations are often many and profound, undermining people’s potential to develop resilient and dignified lives, and to survive and recover from shocks. This discrimination, violence and exclusion is maintained by deeply rooted norms at the heart of societal laws, institutions and practices, shaping the lives of people with diverse SOGIESC well before they ever interact with the humanitarian system, or with disaster risk reduction (DRR) initiatives. However this report, as part of an emerging body of literature, also shows that the humanitarian and DRR systems often fail to acknowledge or address the discrimination, violence and exclusion experienced by people with diverse SOGIESC. At the very least this leaves people with diverse SOGIESC to find their own solutions; at worst, it reinforces violations of human rights.
This report is based on:
• Analysis of inclusion frameworks within the humanitarian system.
• Original research in three humanitarian settings (Cox’s Bazar, Mindanao and Vanuatu)
• Interviews with staff of humanitarian organisations.
• Complex systems analysis of the how diversity of SOGIESC remains ‘stuck’.
This work is funded by UNWomen and is a follow-up to Pride in the Humanitarian System.
Summary Report and Full Report
Tool for Assessing Diverse SOGIESC Inclusion in Existing Programming
The Guidance Note is Here.
Please email Edge Effect for access to the Excel Survey Forms and Worksheet (Main Tool)
Complete, report and tool available.
UNWomen, Bandhu Social Welfare Society, BDEV, VPride