Our Purpose
Edge Effect assists humanitarian and development organisations to work in genuine partnerships with people with diverse sexual orientation, gender identities and/or expression, and sexual characteristics (SOGIESC), often known as LGBTIQ+ people, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or queer people.
Since 2006 the global human rights field has made leaps and bounds in recognising the human rights of people with diverse SOGIESC: from the original Yogyakarta Principles (and the 2018 revision), to multiple UNHRC resolutions starting in 2011, to the appointment of a UN SOGI Independent Expert in 2016, to the extensive use of the UPR mechanism to address state obligations. However, many development actors that say they take a rights-based approach have not yet operationalised SOGIESC rights. Amongst those that have, there is is still much work to do to go beyond statements of intent or tokenistic moves to add some version of LGBTIQ+ to the end of already long lists of marginalised people. Likewise, humanitarian actors that prioritise need (as well as rights) have often overlooked the pre-emergency and post-emergency needs of people with diverse SOGIESC. Work is also needed by faith based organisations that may draw upon additional principles.
Edge Effect owes its existence to a sentence in the 2015 edition of the Disaster Risk Reduction Good Practice Review, that states: “Disaster managers do not, at present, consider the needs and capacities of LGBT people in their disaster planning, or identify them as a specific audience for preparedness advice”. We read this and thought, that’s not good enough. And it’s not only DRR: all development and humanitarian programs should address the rights, needs and strengths of people with diverse SOGIESC.
Organisations undertaking this work must take leadership from local communities and organisations, and the people with diverse SOGIESC most impacted by their current lack of visibility. Edge Effect acknowledges the limitations and critiques of the international development and humanitarian sectors, and it’s past and present neo-colonial and neo-liberal undercurrents. While understanding that we work within this system, we seek to challenge oppression.
Edge Effect is a social enterprise, and commits to return at least 51% of annual profits to people with diverse SOGIESC. This will done through grants and support to LGBTIQ+ organisations in countries in which development and humanitarian aid programs are implemented. Edge Effect began annual audits in 2019, and expects to be in a financial position to begin this grant and support program by 2023.
*We tend use people with diverse SOGIESC rather than LGBTIQ+ or other terms. Why? Read more about language and acronyms …

Why Edge Effect?
Edge Effect is a term from ecology studies, referring to the presence of greater species diversity at the boundaries of different ecosystems. Where – for example – grasslands meet forest there is a crossover area where species from both ecosystems co-exist and that may be more conducive to the life of other species than either ecosystem alone. We like the the idea of mixing things up, and of diverse communities being transformative engines.